Saturday, September 5, 2015

Lets get real

I do not understand for the life of me why the fashion industry does not embrace the fact that the average women in the USA is a size 12-14 weights 165 lbs and had nothing to wear. There is no standard of fit so she walks into a department store and she is told you are not important and do not exist, yet she has the money and will spend lavishly if only there were things that addressed her concerns and made her feel beautiful.
These women are baby boomers who have put kids through college, middle aged, body gone thru several changes due to all kinds of life experiences and has earned her womanhood through the trials and tribulations of being a woman and then after paying her dues she is told indirectly that she does not exist. Is she insulted yes, does she feel insignificant yes and last but not least we are saying that she is not beautiful.
Well here is the deal she is beautiful , she exists, she is powerful, and we need to recognize this and provide her with clothing that compliments her, makes her feel beautiful, and does not insult her pocketbook as well as intelligence. We need to speak up and have our voices heard for numbers count and once we show our power we will be heard. I as well as my colleagues love to make you beautiful and have been voicing our opinions bit until you read this and speak up nothing will be done. I am waiting to hear from you all speak up.


  1. David,

    Your post comes at an important time as we have just witnessed a beautiful and growing backlash of Nicole Arbour's toxic vitriol which was pulled from Youtube yesterday. It is time to end the labeling and sub categorizing of humans; this goes for fashion as well.

    It is up to us as designers to eradicate this ridiculous concept of plus size and provide beautiful pieces for every gorgeous woman out there. As you know, Rebecca Goldsmith sculpts the body of each client regardless of size. Unfortunately the department stores, which are slow to react to anything new, will continue on with the same boring and mundane looks that they have been stuck in for ages. Unfortunately many women out there will continue struggling to find truly beautiful pieces that compliment their bodies and make them look stunning.

    We here you ladies and we are here to change it!

  2. Thank you David I posted info about Goldsmith and Klein on my Facebook page
